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Accelerated Reader

Great Ponton CE (Aided) Primary School 24/02/2022

Dear Parent or Guardian,

Renaissance Accelerated Reader Bookfinder is an exciting new online tool from Renaissance® that will help you find appropriate Accelerated Reader® books for your child to read. You can search two different ways for book titles that match your child's interests and reading level.

Choose a method and follow the steps below:

Do an open search to create your own list.

  1. Go to Accelerated Reader Bookfinder at this Web address:

  1. Click the Quick Search tab and type the author's name, a topic or a book title. Click the Advanced Search tab for expanded search options. Your search results will provide details about each book.
  2. Click the Add to AR Bookbag™ icon next to each book you are interested in to add the title to your virtual book bag. Click the Remove from AR BookBag™ icon to remove it.
  3. Click AR BookBag™ to see a list of your selections.
  4. Click Print to view the list in an Adobe Reader window. Then, click the printer icon to print your book bag list to take to your library or bookshop.

Or use a keycode to view my Teacher Lists.

  1. Search a list of book titles that I have recommended for my pupils at this Web address:
  2. Type in this keycode: RB790463
  3. Click the Teacher Lists tab to see my specific book title recommendations.
  4. Click the desired list in the Name column to see my book recommendations.
  5. Follow steps 3-5 from the above method.

Have fun searching!

Mr Leader


Accelerated Reader Bookfinder Web address:

Keycode: RB790463

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