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Our learners will be digitally literate, acquiring the skills and knowledge required to thrive in the world of tomorrow.


In order to achieve the outlined intentions, the Computing curriculum is continuously reviewed through monitoring and evaluation by the Subject Leader. Teachers demonstrate a high level of enthusiasm for the subject content and their expectations of the pupils.

We will reach these intentions through:

  • Computer Science – the understanding of coding and programming across a range of physical devices and digital resources.
  • Information Technology – the range of skills required to operate and manipulate specific programs, systems, and content.
  • Digital Literacy – the knowledge required to use technology safely and to evaluate and react to any potential risks of the online/digital world. 

We teach the National Curriculum through The Purple Mash scheme. We also participate in ‘Internet Safety Week’ in which each class is provided with age appropriate texts and tasks. Cross-curricular opportunities are identified in order to ascertain links between termly topics and to ensure that Computing is not just seen as a ‘stand alone’ area. Staff are encouraged to share any gaps in their knowledge and skill sets to inform appropriate and individualised training/CPD.

In our teaching of Computing we endeavour to expose students to a variety of software, programs, and equipment in order to offer a range of appropriate challenges and experiences. Staff are provided with selected devices which they can explore within their classrooms and are guided to ensure that they are using relevant and up-to date technologies. Specific vocabulary for each year group is outlined and this is modelled by teachers within their lessons. Within the curriculum all pupils will be supported to develop their recall of embedded knowledge and ensure that each year group works on an aspect of each the three areas of Computing. Sessions are adapted to meet the requirements of a specific cohort and lesson content is frequently reviewed by class teachers and the subject lead. Our scheme of work remains flexible and children share their thoughts on their ‘computing learning journeys’ to help enable sessions to be adapted to their interests and needs.

We have adapted and developed a comprehensive Computing scheme of work to support children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND). It includes teaching strategies for a range of abilities, ensuring that all students, regardless of need, make progress.


The impact of our computing curriculum allows children to develop their computing knowledge, online safety and their computer literacy skills. We are able to assess the impact through learning walks, pupil voice, individual exercise books and projects created on the computers and physical technology. Through these assessments we can identify inspired learners and children who are fulfilling their potential.

Below is an outline of the impact we are looking for in our pupils in the curriculum area of Computing:

  • Children can articulate and explain what computing is.
  • Children are equipped with skills and computing knowledge.
  • Children have a passion and enjoyment for computing.
  • Children are confident and are able to use technology safely.
  • Children are equipped with extensive computing knowledge and vocabulary, which is embedded.
  • Children use their imagination and creativity to create their own pieces of work.
  • Children use computing in a variety of ways to express their individuality.
  • Children can enjoy and appreciate a variety of technology.