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Sports Premium

At Great Ponton CE Primary School, we are committed to encouraging our pupils to lead full and active lives, both within school and beyond. 

Sport Vision

Our aim is to create an excitement and energy around PE and Sport, building capacity within the school; inspired by the legacy of London 2012 and Rio 2016; developing further pupil participation for both boys and girls, in a range of sporting activities.  

Make your light shine, so that others will see the good that you do and

will praise your Father in heaven.

Matthew 5: 16

At Great Ponton CE Primary School, we are committed to encouraging our pupils to lead healthy and active lives. This is achieved through an extensive program of activities, available both within and outside of our curriculum and within the wider community which enable our children to:

  • enjoy and develop positive attitudes to Physical Education and sport;
  • improve fitness, health and well-being;
  • be physically active for sustained periods of time;
  • understand about the importance of fair play, cooperation and team-work as life-long skills;
  • allow each child to fulfil their potential. 


As part of of vision to create excitement around sport we buy in the services of a local sports charity Inspire+. Our involvement with Inspire+ allows us to spend our Sports Premium money on effectively encouraging sport and leadership through a range of different incentives for staff and pupils. This includes coaching, staff and pupil training, parental training and involvement, gifted and talented and low self esteem workshops and a range of opportunities for pupil development in sports leadership.

Click on the image below to be taken to Inspire+ website to see some of the fantastic work they do.

So far this academic year we have been fortunate enough to have had inspirational assemblies by Shona McCallin MBE and Ben Smith.

Shona McCallin MBE

Olympic Gold Medalist

Ben Smith

BBC Sports Personality of the Year 2016; Helen Rollason Award Winner

South West Lincolnshire School Sport Partnership (SWLSSP)

We also buy into the SWLSSP as this increases the opportunities for competitions and festivals for our children. We have access to over 40 competitions and festivals (see attached calendar) plus another 8 competitions through the Sports Stars Programme run by a local secondary school.